M.S., CPO, President & CEO
Rakesh Srivastava is a doctor who specializes in prosthetics and orthotics
Based in Omaha, Hastings and Grand Island Nebraska, Rakesh is the founder and CEO of Innovative Prosthetics and Orthotics, working as the chief doctor with people of all ages in orthotics, prosthetics, and custom bracing.
Rakesh has an incredibly rich and diverse background. Originally from India, he received his degree at the Akshay Pratisthan Rehabilitation Center in New Dehli. In 1997, he moved to America, and soon after became an American Board Certified Prothetist and Orthotist.
Always looking to embrace Innovative practices and new technologies within the industry, Rakesh also holds a certification for working with Microprocessor knees, Scoliosis Bracing and Cascade Dafo for Pediatrics, among others.
Rakesh is now part of a research team at University of Omaha on a program called Cyborg Beast, where they are developing an affordable and innovaitve prothetic hand that has been created utilizing new forward-thinking 3D printing technology.
Rakesh has worked closely with Arumina Sinha, the first woman fitted with a prosthetic limb to successfully undertake a mountain trek, inspiring millions of people along the way and showcasing that anything is possible with proper care. He has also worked with Malvika Iyer, a bomb survivor who i awell known doe her social awareness work and touching stories that went on to affect millions of lives. Theres also a extremely personal dimension to Rakeshs work, as hes been wearing a prothetic leg for over 30 years.
Rakesh is deeply involved with prominent non-profit organizations based in India, using significant influence and commendable generosity in order to help people who are less fortunate.
Raskesh is deeply respected and revered by his clients, colleagues and peers; who praise him for his professionalism, expertise and quality work in the form of the care he provides to his patients.